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Psychosomatic Energetics

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This book advocates a new view of disease and healing, Its author views the cause of disease as lying in hidden unresolved emotional conflicts.
We are all familiar with these inner conflicts, the core of which is
the Central Conflict, which shapes a person's psychic constellation,
character and behavior. It is the life theme, a fundamental conflict
through which and by which one grows and matures, until one is in a
position to dissolve it - for example, the inclination to always want to
do right by others, even at one's own great expense.

Conflicts disrupt the smooth functioning of the autonomic nervous
system (ANS), causing energy congestion and consequent undersupply
of body cells and, ultimately, feeling unwell and disease symptoms.
With the aid of newly developed homeopathic compound remedies,
Psychosomatic Energetics helps eliminate the body's energy blocks, as
well as the underlying emotional conflicts. In this training and reference
manual, Dr. Reimar Banis - who, along with Dr. Ulrike Banis, first
developed the method - describes and explains the methodological tools
of the trade for professional therapists, sheds light on the background
data and details the method's use in daily practice.

Healing through the dissolution of morbific conflicts - in diagnosis and
therapy, Psychosomatic Energetics represents along-standing successfully-
practiced alternative to orthodox medicine and protracted psychotherapy. 

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