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Emvita 12

emvita 12 final 3D.png

Mental overexertion  - Constant thoughts of anxieties and failure caused by eroded confidence;  trouble collecting thoughts  

Believing that all emotions can be controlled through one’s own willpower.  The need for control is valued more highly than spontaneous outpouring of  emotion. Since, however, more than 80% of human communication takes place  without words – operates in the subconscious, in other words – one is constantly  overloaded, unable to keep one’s own impulses under control.  

Becoming easily tired, thinking that one is no longer able to concentrate at all.  Sensing that one has taken on a task that is “actually impossible,” tending to  retreat inward.   This tendency leads to paralysis and produces an incapacity to keep one’s thoughts  completely focused on a subject. Thoughts of anxieties and failure predominate,  and trust of self and others is lacking.


• Apis mellifica C800
• Baryta carbonica LM18
• Graphites D21
• Ignatia amara LM16
• Naja tripudians C800
• Eschscholtzia californica D21
• Glandulae thymi D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792412
Price: $ 24.95