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Emvita 7

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Conflict 7 - Show of strength, stubborn

Goes beyond one‘s limits; always showing strength despite secretly feeling  inferior; obstinate, arrogant, cocky  

One‘s actual existence does not match up with one‘s self-image. Secretly,  one feels uncertain and inferior, but conceals it behind a façade of strong  self-confidence. One does not let the outside world see what it‘s like inside.  

The actual symptoms and problems remain in the dark, as one confuses  and deceives others. One gets oneself tangled up in contradictions. There is a constant alternation between feelings of strength and weakness,  thereby seeming erratic and obscure to others. A possible variation of this  behavior consists in cutting others down to size in order to magnify oneself.  The large external stresses and actual inner strength contrast sharply


• Lycopodium clavatum LM16
• Lachesis mutus C800
• Anacardium occidentale LM18
• Phosphorus D21
• Glandula suprarenalis suis D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792487
Price: $ 24.95