Emvita 5
Conflict 5 - Hectic, nervous
Hectic, hyperkinetic symptoms, upset, nervous, driven and restless
Nervousness and drivenness, upset and restless. High physical tension with a tendency to react with physical symptoms (somatization) to inner stress. One engages in hypernormal activity, is ambitious and often hyperactive. Tendency to obsessive perfection.
One has the depressing impression of never properly coping and hardly ever being able to finish anything properly. One courts the approval of others, because one sets one‘s internal bar too high. One feels responsible for the lives of others. One believes in only having a right to live by pushing oneself to peak performance. If one doesn‘t stay in harness and alert, one fears losing control. Incapable of rest and relaxation. One wants to be everywhere at once so as not to miss anything and in order to extract the most out of life.
• Bufo rana C800
• Pulsatilla vulgaris LM16
• Cuprum metallicum LM18
• Zincum metallicum D21
• Phosphorus D21
• Glandula suprarenalis suis D21
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
• alcohol
Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.