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Emvita 4

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Conflict 4 - Extremely self-controlled  

Numbness, suppression of joie de vivre, exaggerated sense of duty and  responsibility. In the extreme, destructive aggressiveness, perversions, psychopathic (extreme form)  One does not allow oneself to grow and live one‘s own life.

One was held  back from the normal childhood joy of expansion and was possibly too  rigidly disciplined. There are often problems with sexual identity. One would  like to salvage a destroyed family environment by being well-behaved.  One is governed by discipline which was applied too early and too much,  and even as a child one acts like an adult. One tends to suppress feelings  and impulses. One blocks one‘s emotions or those of others.  

Only compulsion, rationality and good behavior have top priority. One expects one’s own strict view of life from others as well. One is afraid of yielding to spontaneity, freedom and joy in life, because this is associated with  great danger to oneself and others.  

The second Chakra has to do with the realization of one‘s own interests in a  social context. Should one fight or flee, invest more or less energy to attain  one‘s goals? Whoever does not know this becomes restless and disoriented, fights things out convulsively or compensates weakness with a show of  strength.


• Platinum muriaticum C800
• Oleum petrae LM16
• Stramonium foetidum LM18
• Apis mellifica D21
• Oophorinum D21
• Orchitinum D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792484
Price: $ 24.95