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Emvita 3

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Conflict 3 - At the mercy of, helpless  

Weak-willed, helpless as a child, bedwetting, encopresis, incontinence  One feels helpless and in every way paralyzed. The stronger the demands,  the more unable one feels to arrive at any kind of solution. Life is experienced as a never-ending struggle. In the past, especially during childhood,  one was seldom allowed to be oneself and always felt completely dependent upon others. One has never been seen as what one truly is. In a social  environment, one only feels accepted when living up to role expectations.  One tends to live as a puppet and a willing tool for others. One has learned  from experience that exercising one‘s talents, strengths and needs will be  punished; therefore, one underrates oneself totally.  One tends to lethargy and immobility, has the tendency to dither, be undecided, play for time, leave things up in the air, postpone everything to the  last minute or, in the extreme case, give up altogether.


• Apis mellifica C800
• Hepar sulphuris LM16
• Conium maculatum LM18
• Bovista gigantea D21
• Oophorinum D21
• Orchitinum D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792483
Price: $ 24.95