Emvita 24
Uneaseiness - Disturbing and unpleasant bodily sensations, hopelessness, tendency toward feelings of depression
Feeling unwell in one’s own body, as if constrained in ill-fitting, uncomfortable and bothersome clothing that pinches and squeezes everywhere. The body is perceived as a source of discomfort or even pain and suffering in extreme cases. This can involve an entire range of unpleasant sensations, as if one’s head or hands are too large, one’s neck muscles much too heavy or one’s spine deformed. Moods swing from hopelessness to significant depression.
Feeling out of balance, since everything is uncomfortable and pain extends to almost every part of the body. Due to the predominance of bodily symptoms, the underlying general mood of depression is frequently overlooked. These physical symptoms are produced by emotional dysphoria, however. Underlying the discomfort is a deep-rooted feeling of emotional frustration. Feeling dissatisfied or even hopeless. Deep inside, one feels unloved or unlovable.
• Crotalus horridus C800
• Phosphorus LM16
• Matricaria chamomilla LM18
• Ignatia amara D21
• Pituitary posterium D21
Non-Medicinal Ingredients:
• alcohol
Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.