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Emvita 18

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Hasty - Impulsive, tightly wound up, stuttering; core feeling of living a wrong life;  more readily thinking than acting, resulting in the creation of communication  misunderstandings  

Torrents of strong impulses and instincts can press into the area of the neck as  the gateway to feelings, bringing fear to the surface and causing a sensation  of being literally overwhelmed. Since too many intense impulses and  contradictory desires are operating simultaneously, one appears to others as  hasty, tightly wound up and lacking structure.  People sometimes compensate for inner fears through tension, perfection and  controls in the form of compulsions.

They are impeded by not being able to make  themselves clearly understood. They speak more rapidly in an effort to explain to  others what is really going on with them. In addition, they frequently experience  an inner agitation that is not perceived by others. People affected by the “hasty”  condition therefore often appear to others as very calm and relaxed because they  skillfully cover up their inner agitation.


• Agaricus muscarius C800
• Bufo rana D21
• Cuprum metallicum LM18
• Iodium D21
• Thyroidinum D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792418
Price: $ 24.95