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Emvita 10

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Conflict 10 - Wanting more  

Insatiable due to a nagging feeling of dissatisfaction and greed, constantly dissatisfied, co-opting, extremely obsessed with power, dictatorial,  ruthless, driven, overly aggressive  

Due to a nagging feeling of dissatisfaction and a lack of happy feelings,  one constantly wants more out of life. At bottom, one feels desperately  poor and needy. In one‘s experience, everything in life has to be worked  hard for; if one has something and wants to become something in life,  then nothing comes free. What one has or has achieved, however, is never enough, so one is forced to always take more. Good fortune is presumably lurking just beyond the next turn in the road, which is why one is  driven to keep going.

One‘s self image tries to conceal the inner hunger from oneself and others  by projecting the exact opposite outward. The hunger for more life can  consist of the piling up of material or nonmaterial objects and energies.  There is also often the desire for more depth and intensity in life, but this is  never really satisfied.


• Agnus castus D21
• Arum triphyllum LM18
• Hepar sulphuris C800
• Lachesis mutus LM16
• Petroleum D21
• Pancreas suis D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792490
Price: $ 24.95