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Emvita 1

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Emvita 1 - Independence

A feeling of "not being good enough“, feelings of inferiority, disrupted basic trust, often puberty conflicts

One feels not good enough, have identity problems. Primary emotional orientation, in the sense of sufficient self-confidence is lacking. Basic trust has been lost or was never there. A frequent tendency to melancholy. The world is experienced as bad. Frequent among children with early-childhood shocks such as divorce, death of a parent, neglect, unplanned child.

An unhappy childhood, when, for example, a daughter was born when the parents were actually hoping for a son and heir. A lack of inner strength with which to deal with externally-imposed stresses. Incapable of perceiving one‘s own strength. One feels smaller than one is and has a tendency to close oneself off from others and not to enter into meaningful relationships.


• Kali carbonicum C800
• Calcium carbonicum LM16
• Lachesis mutus LM18
• Naja D21
• Pulsatilla vulgaris D21
• Oophorinum D21
• Orchitinum D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a practitioner.

Category: Emvita remedies
Product Number: 5887792481
Price: $ 24.95