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Chavita 7

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Chavita® 7

The seventh Chakra is the energy center for the cerebrum, as analogously the first Chakra represents a kind of grounding to the heavenly sphere – i.e. a spiritual connection between the individual and the cosmos. It is concerned with order and complexity, but above all with something like a well-balanced representation of unembellished reality which freely acknowledges problems as well as one’s own negatives and those of others. As we all know, reality is a difficult topic, and ideologies can exert a strong distorting influence in this context.

The seventh Chakra can be viewed as the organism’s highest regulatory instance and as the center of the cognitive personality. The pineal gland, a hormonal gland, is closely associated with melatonin and thus to the cosmically regulated day-night cycle which unites the individual with the life-giving strength of the sun and with the rhythms of the universe.   

The core statements of the seventh Chakra are:  

• “Linking my temporal self with the higher unity (environment, cosmos, God).”

• “Looking directly at unadorned reality/orienting myself thereto.”


• Aurum metallicum C 200
• Calcarea sulphurica C 200
• Lachesis mutus D 21
• Valeriana officinalis D 21
• Hypericum perforatum D 21
• Millefolium D 21
• Sus scrofa (cerebellum) D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Chavita remedies
Product Number: 5887792477
Price: $ 24.95