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Chavita 3

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Chavita® 3

The third Chakra is the energetic center of the upper abdomen. It stands for every kind of assimilation and digestion, whether material or nonmaterial. The pancreas, whose tasks include splitting up food molecules and supplying body cells with blood sugar by means of insulin, belongs to the third Chakra. The external world is assimilated both somatically and mentally, and the organism derives strength therefrom.  As the emotional representative of rage, the gallbladder likewise belongs to the third Chakra, by means of which one fights and stakes out one’s territory, like the liver, as the organism’s large chemical factory, is representative of personal power. The psychological core statements of the third Chakra are:


• “Part of the world belongs to me and I will assimilate it.”

• “I fight for the right that part of the world belongs to me.”


• Argentum metallicum D21
• Nux vomica C50
• Lycopodium claratum C200
• Chelidonium majus D21
• Zingiber officinale D21
• Matricaria chamomilla D21
• Pancreas suis D21

Non-Medicinal Ingredients:

• alcohol


Take 12 drops two times a day or as directed by a health care practitioner.

Category: Chavita remedies
Product Number: 5887792473
Price: $ 24.95