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Using Rubimed Correctly-Reimar Banis

Thursday, November 03, 2022
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These causes are to a large extent still unknown to mainstream medicine. Unlike mainstream medicine, PSE investigates and treats the subtle-energy field which, like a computer program, exercises an important regulatory function in the organism. One very often finds that sick people have too little energy due to energy blocks, for which largely subconscious emotional conflicts, which act as energy thieves, are responsible.

These causes are to a large extent still unknown to mainstream medicine. Unlike mainstream medicine, PSE investigates and treats the subtle-energy field which, like a computer program, exercises an important regulatory function in the organism. One very often finds that sick people have too little energy due to energy blocks, for which largely subconscious emotional conflicts, which act as energy thieves, are responsible.

The entire test procedure usually lasts only a few minutes, and doesn't seem very impressive to observers - but this is misleading. Because PSE is in fact a very demanding method calling for a great deal of talent, knowledge and experience on the part of the therapist, those who are uninformed make quite a few mistakes. This speech is intended to help avoid these frequently- observed errors, since only then can the full potential of the method be realized. As a highly standardized energy-medicine procedure, PSE has very strict and precise rules which are to be painstakingly adhered to by therapists in order to achieve long-term therapeutic results with their patients.

Testing and monitoring therapy with the PSE Basic Test Kit

Many therapists do PSE testing with the economical Basic Test Kit instead of the more costly REBA® Test Device. The test device provides a clear indication of therapy duration which the Basic Test Kit does not. When tested with the REBA® Test Device, most conflicts have a Causal reading of 60-80%, which means it will take 3-4 months before they are completely dissolved. A normal prescription looks like this:

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When a large conflict has been tested out with a Causal reading of 70% or more, prescribe enough medication for 3-5 months (i.e. 3-4 vials, or 1 vial for every 20% Causal reading) and instruct the patient to take the remedy consistently during this time. The standard dosage for adults and children over six years of age is 12 drops twice daily on the tongue (younger children 6 drops twice daily, and for very young children 1 drop per year of age). The daily dosage of 24 drops should not be changed lightly, as it has proven correct over nearly 2 decades of use with countless patients.

Raising or lowering the dosage has proven to be unnecessary. Taking more does not accelerate the healing process, whereas taking less does delay conflict resolution. Experience has shown that this diminishes the patient's willingness to take the remedy on a regular basis (i.e. "compliance") - for example, having to faithfully take six drops twice daily for 8-10 months to completely eliminate a large conflict. Logically enough, the next conflict is not treated until the current conflict has been completely eliminated (Causal reading of 0-1 %).

There is a pitfall for users of the Basic Test Kit which they definitely need to be aware of: experience has shown, time and again, that conflicts treated with PSE therapy are often, unfortunately, only weakly or not at all testable initially during therapy, because the conflict is energetically suppressed by the conflict dissolution process. As I said, most conflicts call for 3-4 months for complete elimination. Because the 50 ml vials of the therapeutic agent last for about 4-6 weeks, some therapists perform the first therapeutic follow-up check at this time.

There are frequent misunderstandings at this point, because inexperienced therapists think they've found a new conflict, which they then, logically, proceed to treat. Because testing makes it look like the first conflict has disappeared due to administration of the remedy, new conflicts are not infrequently treated without the original conflict having been completely eliminated. The unsuspecting therapist tests the 7 Chakras all over with the Basic Test Kit, often finding a new conflict. Unfortunately, the original conflict has been energetically shoved into the background by the treatment, which makes it test out more weakly. If, however, the therapist had correctly tested the original conflict first in the follow-up test, in order to first ascertain whether it continues to respond (which it does, although weakly), he would then have obtained a positive test reaction and avoided the aforementioned error.

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Unfortunately, if a new conflict is treated while the old conflict remains active in the background, this means two active conflicts are being treated at the same time. For a conflict that needs four months of therapy, the error would of course be further intensified at the next follow-up, if the therapist checks every 4-6 weeks. We have heard of a maximum of 10 conflicts which were tested and treated by many therapists within a 10 month period, which understandably confused the patients in question, placing an enormous energetic burden on them.

If too many conflicts are treated at once without having completely eliminated the initially dominating one, this overtaxes the patient's emotional/energetic capacities and sooner or later leads to multiple ailments. Patients then complain of more severe symptoms and feel generally worse. Not infrequently, they break off therapy at this point. PSE can thereby get the undeserved reputation of being a provocative therapy, where the reality is that the therapist failed to adhere to the rules of proper conflict therapy. If the conflict is treated correctly from the beginning, and conflicts are dissolved sequentially, then treatment is usually problem-free; the energy readings and the patient's state of health both improve, with the patient feeling better and better and emotional/physical self-healing processes being set in motion (see preceding illustration "Normal course of healing").

Correctly prescribing PSE agents

In some cases, PSE agents contain highly potentiated homeopathic compound remedies (LM 6, LM 18, C 800). This has to do with the fact that the agents are meant to resonate with the high-frequency parts of the emotional conflicts, and they can do this thanks to the intentionally selected high potentiations. Because the conflict completely absorbs the potentiations, there is no pharmacological picture generated such as one might otherwise find in classical homeopathy. PSE and homeopathy are thus based on completely different procedural approaches and cannot be compared to each other with respect to the potentiation levels or modes of action.

With the majority of patients, one will test only a single conflict which is attached to a particular energy center (Chakra, autonomic nerve plexus) such as an Anxiety conflict in the Heart center (4th Chakra). Novices in particular sometimes test out more conflicts, but this occurs much less frequently with increasing experience: energetic focusing improves with training, somewhat like an experienced musician is better able to hear wrong notes than beginners are. If multiple conflicts are tested, it is not usually a good idea to treat them both;3 as mentioned previously, this can in fact even turn out badly (an important and practice-relevant exception is found in the footnote below). Instead, the therapist should use the remedy test to check which of the two remedies responds better and only treat this one. In most cases, only one remedy will be able to markedly elevate or normalize the Vital and Emotional level when applying the corresponding Chakra and Emotional remedy.

Often, PSE remedies are initially prescribed at too low a dosage by timorous therapists trying to avoid initial worsening, and sometimes this reduced therapeutic regimen is maintained over a period of months. But the recommended dose of 12 drops twice daily is necessary so that conflicts can heal in an tolerable time span. If the dosage is lowered, conflict healing is retarded considerably - for the usual conflict size of Causal 80% to 8-10 months. This then lessens the willingness of most patients to stick with such a long, tedious therapy. However, the problem is easily avoided by diluting the daily dose of 24 drops in a small water bottle which the patient can sip throughout the day; experience has shown that this avoids practically all reactions on the part of sensitive patients, and the conflict still heals up effectively at a normal pace. In addition, the constant ingestion of the PSE remedy over the course of the day leads to a gentle energy boost, as the energy values are harmonized with every sip from the water bottle, and the energy flow is thereby reinforced.

One hears, time and again, that some therapists resonate the homeopathic compound remedies of PSE with vials of 30% alcohol, because it costs less and saves them from having to deal laboriously with the remedies. Monitoring by independent testers has shown that the conflicts are not healed in this manner, and instead remain just as big and in some cases get even bigger. Because any energetic treatment has a fair amount of placebo effect, the therapists are often completely unaware of the problem, since the patients seem to be getting better. Such therapists also often test mentally, meaning they pre-visualize the test results instead of neutrally testing what is actually present. They then subconsciously confirm their approach with the seemingly positive test results, without noticing their error. Only when independent testers monitor their results is the self-deception revealed .

Many therapists also believe that energetic psychology procedures such as tapping points (EFT with tapping), tinted glasses, hypnotic suggestions or EMDR heal conflicts more quickly, but that is not the case, as independent checks and longer course-of-therapy monitoring has shown. The above-named procedures make conflicts briefly untestable through energetic "uncoupling" and pushing them into the background, but they remain present. On the other hand, there have been good experiences from the parallel application of two procedures, say Energy Psychology and PSE (2). In this context, the effects of PSE are slow yet sustained, whereas tapping acupressure points delivers quick results which, however, are not able to dissolve conflicts and therefore have no long-term effectiveness. With this as background, two methods applied in parallel supplement each other quite well.

Part II

Psychosomatic Energetics (PSE) is a naturopathic method for detecting energy blocks in the subtle-energy field. These are mostly subconscious emotional traumas from the past which are tying up a lot of energy. PSE has found 28 emotional conflicts which can be tested out and then treated with mixtures of homeopathic high potentiations (contained in the PSE Basic Test Kit). For example, a subconscious conflict of repressed aggression and rage reacts positively in the remedy test to a mixture containing the homeopathic Rage and Anger agents tarantula, lycopodium, Hepar sulfuris and sulfur (contained in Emvita© 9). Later, in the therapy phase, this mixture serves to gradually melt away the patient's Rage conflict by means of resonance phenomena.

Tester neutrality

In order to use PSE correctly and test objectively, therapists should not be carrying around any active conflicts of their own because, of course, one does not perform energy tests in a vacuum, but rather in reality one's own energetic reaction in arriving at a result. Like the mirror neurons of modern brain research, which enable us to be aware of other people's feelings, energy testers test their own reactions to the test ampoules which have been introduced into the patient's energy field (see illustration below). With this as background, it 's clear that a tester's energy disruptions will negatively influence the test results. For instance, if a tester has a conflict with the Rage theme, he will either test this conflict particularly often in his patients or particularly seldom - but in any case no longer objectively. Testers should therefore have undergone PSE self-therapy in order to have a harmonic and neutral energy field (which, by the way, is an obligatory part of PSE training).

Tester neutrality also includes avoidance of mental stress and energetic burdens due e.g. to time pressure, fatigue, electrosmog (cell phone turned on), noise as well as the presence of other people in the testing room, particularly if their one-to two-meter diameter energy fields get too close to the testing location and thereby possibly affect the test results.

Mental and physical testing

The phenomenon of testing is filtered (and thereby maybe manipulated) not only by the tester's energy system, but also by mental images. In this context, one needs to distinguish between "mental" (present in the mind) from "physical" (present in the world) testing - i.e. physically testing with real objects such as test ampoules or persons with their own energy fields, instead of incorrectly asking the patient to visualize something (mental testing). Tester neutrality thus includes, besides the aforementioned energetic neutrality, emptying oneself mentally and only testing that which actually responds and not that which one, consciously or otherwise, would prefer or suspect. This is also why one should never test oneself or close relatives, because the necessary neutrality will be lacking and errors will pile up.

Moreover, years of experience have taught us that very few testers can, at an acceptable level of quality, perform mental diagnosis and therapy- as is the case, for instance, with Radionics. 4 An estimated 99.9% of testers fail miserably under such circumstances. But since such errors are not usually monitored by independent authorities, testers can fool themselves into thinking that they are right. PSE therefore strictly rejects any and all mental testing.

Learning the method

PSE is used by a number of therapists according to the "do-it-yourself" principle; their thinking is along the lines of: I already know how to do energy testing, use a dowsing rod, do a pulse reflex, kinesiological testing etc., so why should I have to take extra courses as well? Experience has shown, however, that most mistakes are made by untrained therapists who have bought a Basic Test Kit or acquired a used REBA® Test Device and then think they are practicing PSE. To practice PSE properly, at the very least attending the Basic Seminar is highly recommended. Moreover, anyone who wishes to concentrate on PSE in clinical practice should definitely go through the entire course of training to become a "Certified Energy Therapist".

Training to become a "Certified Energy Therapist" is under the direction of the International Society For Psychosomatic Energetics [lnternationalen Gesellschaft far Psychosomatische Energetik] (details at The IGPSE is an association of ca. 500 therapists, including physicians in various different areas of specialization, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists, psychologists, as well as naturopaths and naturopathic physicians. The prerequisite for membership is fulfillment of professional requirements as well as participation in an in-service multiyear course of training. Certified Energy Therapists must also take part in continuing education in order to maintain certification.

A standardized training and testing concept has been developed and proven itself over the course of many years. The training includes courses of instruction with a preset daily program, PowerPoint presentations and seminars scripts, practical work using the method, standardized testing using the REBA® Test Device and recapitulation of the background knowledge to be found in the officially recognized specialist literature on PSE. The training concept is under the control of the chief instructors and is oriented toward the published specialist literature. The medical councils of a number of German federal states have recognized these training seminars in the context of their further education regulations; corresponding efforts on the part of the professional association are also being taken in other regions for naturopaths as well.

Self-therapy demonstrates to the trainee - independently of smaller or larger disturbances of well-being - the workings of subconscious conflicts and the strengthening of one's own life force more vividly than any theoretical intensive training can . The trainee personally experiences what the life force released by the melting away of conflicts can do for him personally on the Vital and or Emotional level.

The courses are booked during the course of a year as well as at longer intervals, so that there is enough time between the individual training steps to gather practical experience and, when possible, on the occasion of practice days with other users on the same level of training, to specifically deepen these experiences. At the beginning of the course, participants each receive a training pass and document their training by means of certificates and stamps issued by the trainers and the IGPSE. After the four-day Intensive Seminar, training ends with the written and practical examination, in which participants demonstrate that they have learned the course content of Psychosomatic Energetics® and know how to apply them in practice, including certain quality standards (good testing ability, sufficient concentration, mastery of the technique in various different areas of application etc.). The examination having been passed, the directors of the IGPSE issue the graduates their certificates as "Certified Energy Therapist".
