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Psychosomatic Energetics: A Bridge between Human and Veterinary Medicine

Saturday, April 09, 2022
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Psychosomatic Energetics: A Bridge between Human and Veterinary Medicine

Rudolf Hauck, MA

To get right to the point regarding the aforementioned question: when performing kinesiological PSE tests on animals, the animal is not touched at any time, nor is there any connection to the REBA Test Device. The interaction takes place entirely at the level of the field in which both the animal and the therapist are active.

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I would also like to mention another important observation of Mr. Hauck: as a rule, sensitive animals take on their owner’s problems and/or blocks. Energetically, the animals behave like externalized short-lived organs, and thus also serve as indicators, at the field level, of the owner’s problems.

(See also: Ruediger Dahlke: The Animal as Mirror of the Human Soul, Goldman 2016)

The causes of pathogenesis in pets are particularly multifactorial. Of course, the often causal conflicts can also

  • be caused by their own experiences, but particularly
  • by transference from those with whom they have an emotional relationship (owners etc.)

Therefore, parallel treatment of man and beast is usually a good idea. Healing then takes place likewise in a new holistic understanding, of man and beast equally and simultaneously. But let’s do take another look in the context of specific case histories.

Case history: Elaine

Elaine is an Irish wolfhound, female, born 8/29/2012. She is brought into Mr. Hauck for treatment on June 2016. She is in a great deal of pain along with tension in her spinal column. Medication has so far proven ineffective.

PSE testing results: Emotional 1 (!), Conflict 3/11: “Craving good feelings”.

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Therapy: Chavita 3, Emvita 11, Paravita, Cordyseps, diet changed to fresh meat, craniosacral therapy, electrosmog reduction, follow-up check 20 days later: Anxiovita - 15 - instead of Paravita, analgesics no longer necessary, noticeable weight gain, once again runs along in the jogging sessions.

Her female owner is tested at the same time. Result: Conflict 3/11: “Craving good feelings” (!), Electrosmog stress. Because of burnout she is off work due to illness. Over the many years, the couple has drifted apart. Next PSE test in August 2016: Conflict 4/15 “Apprehensive”. Elaine has restored good musculature and is playing once again. Next PSE test in October 2016: Conflict 4/16 “Panic”, Anxiovita. Her owner’s parallel PSE test: 4/16 “Panic”, Anxiovita.

Since Mr. Hauck is reporting here just a few days after Elaine’s last test, we cannot at this time report on the treatment that remains to be done.

Case history: Chega

Azawakh, male, born 11/2007. Brought in for treatment also in June 2016: spinal column pain incontinent (urine and feces) PSE: Conflict 2/6 “Perseverance”. Owner’s PSE test on same day: also Conflict 2/6 “Perseverance”. The owner is a tree surgeon who, a year ago, fell from a height of 30 feet. Chega’s symptoms began at this time.

Brought in again in September 2016: Chega’s musculature is improved, she is considerably more lively but still incontinent. PSE test: Conflict 14 “Extreme self-control”. Male owner’s parallel PSE test: Conflict 14 “Extreme self-control”.

Female owner’s test: Conflict 4/16 “Panic”. As with Elaine, since treatment is ongoing, we cannot report on any additional outcomes. I think, however, that the systematics and the results of PSE treatment can also very well be recognized here.

The veterinarian points out that it is particularly important to introduce this complex topic very carefully to the owner, because of course it is very difficult to grasp. Usually, however, the owners are then quite willing to have themselves tested. It is important here not to let any guilt feelings arise. The goal of therapy is always a return to self-regulation

The components of this are always:

  • Dietary modification
  • Avoidance of electrosmog
  • Medicinal mushrooms, herbs, minerals
  • PSE and as a rule
  • PSE for the owner!

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In my opinion, these two exemplary case histories illustrate very well the suitability of PSE also and particularly in the treatment of animals – a method which in this form is surely unique.
