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History Of Rubimed/Psychosomatic Energetics

Wednesday, April 06, 2022
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History Of Rubimed/Psychosomatic Energetics


PSE is a complementary-medicine diagnostic and therapeutic technique which is applied particularly in the case of psychosomatic and therapy-resistant clinical pictures. Its precursor is Bach Flowers Therapy, developed by the English homeopath Dr. Edward Bach, who was the first to try to resolve negative emotions (conflicts) through the use of energy medications. Bach Flowers expose the patients to gentle positive vibrations. Psychosomatic Energetics differs from Bach's method in the use of homeopathic negative vibrations, because the experience of PSE has been that they are significantly more effective.

Another historical precursor is Shamanism, which views conflicts as parasitical external energies, which is consistent with PSE's findings. There are other historical connections to somatic psychotherapy, in particular John Pierrakos’ core energetics and Gerda Boyesen's biodynamic psychology. Mrs. Boyesen initially localized emotional conflicts intuitively in the aura, which later on prompted Dr. Banis to look for these conflicts. Unlike Mrs. Boyesen, Dr. Banis' efforts were directed to making conflicts as reproducibly detectable as possible. After years of research, Dr. Banis found special homeopathic mixtures (known as ―emotional remedies‖) with which subconscious emotional conflicts could be detected and then treated in the context of the remedy test. The clinical experience with Psychosomatic Energetics shows that well-trained and experienced testers usually arrive at comparable test results.

In Psychosomatic Energetics, emotional conflicts are viewed as energy blocks which can be tested using energetic test procedures such as electroacupuncture (Vegatest Method) or kinesiology. Other precursors of the method include traditional psychoanalysis, according to which traumatic experiences are repressed and stored in the subconscious, and Fritz Riemann's personality psychology, in which particularly large conflicts are associated with specific character types.

The second foundation of Psychosomatic Energetics—besides energetically oriented psychotherapy—is quantitative testing of the human energy field. PSE makes this possible for the first time in the context of energy medicine. In the mid-90s, the German biophysicist and laser engineer Dieter Jossner was inspired by Dr. Banis to develop a special test device (the REBA® test device), with which the various fields of the human aura could be tested. This is a stress test, to be precise, in which the different aura levels are stressed by specific preset frequencies. The test results consist of four percentage values. The REBA® test values have proven by and large to be very stable over time, and are sharply reduced by subtle-energy blocks (particularly subconscious emotional conflicts).

The maximum reading is 100% in healthy persons, whereas energetically weakened people will exhibit a stress reaction to values as low as 20%. These reactions are brought out by kinesiology or other energetic test procedures. The four test readings obtained (Vital, Emotional, Mental, Causal) correspond empirically to the test subject's overall well-being, as well as clinical diagnoses. The normal values for healthy persons are 100% Vital, 100% Emotional, 100% Mental and 40% Causal. Patients suffering from depression typically exhibit very low Emotional readings.

Theoretical Basis


From a scientific standpoint, the theoretical assumptions of Psychosomatic Energetics remain as yet largely unexplored, since PSE concepts such as ―subconscious, aura, conflicts are still empirical and thus cannot be objectively verified. The essential basic principle of Psychosomatic Energetics is based on the finding that emotional conflicts are not just repressed into the subconscious—which is the basis of classical psychoanalysis—but are also externalized into the subtle-energy field. That which Shamanism has been saying for ages can now be confirmed by Psychosomatic Energetics: that conflicts, as foreign energy, absorb energy and thereby weaken people. When conflicts are eliminated, patients get back the stolen energy stored in the conflict. Thus, the elimination of emotional conflicts frequently leads to a remarkable increase in energy.

With PSE, specific plant tinctures are used to virtually enlarge conflicts and thereby make them energetically testable. The healing process of conflict dissolution can then be monitored with the REBA® test device, and the percentage value determined. Large conflicts have Vital and Emotional readings of 70–80% and more, which is energy the patient is deprived of. When emotional conflicts shrink energetically, the patient's energy readings rise correspondingly. Conflict dissolution itself occurs by means of homeopathic resonance phenomena in which similar vibrations cancel each other out. During the course of conflict healing, moreover, subconscious reactions are triggered which are also observed in conventional psychotherapy. For instance, activation of the subconscious is often manifested in the form of vivid dreaming at night, increased self-reflection and greater personal autonomy.


Typical indications for PSE include psychosomatic ailments, burnout syndrome, anxiety disease, infantile behavioral disorders, life crises, therapy-resistant and prolonged chronic ailments such as chronic pain. A number of therapists use Psychosomatic Energetics as basic therapy for the majority of general-medicine ailments. Specialists such as psychiatrists, neurologists and orthopedists also report similarly positive experiences. A specific indication for PSE cannot be given, since the method has proven useful for such a great variety of disorders and clinical pictures, either as the sole method or as an adjuvant (complement) to orthodox medicine. PSC is not intended to replace necessary orthodox-medicine diagnosis and treatment. The method is considered to be a supplement and an aid to conventional therapeutic procedures, and not competition.


As with any therapy involving medication, Psychosomatic Energetics should not be used during the first three months of pregnancy.

Type of Therapy

Psychosomatic Energetics makes use of energy testing such as kinesiology, electroacupuncture, Nogier's RAC, in order to stress the subtle-energy field and thereby determine its quantitative charge with the REBA® test device. Next, energy blocks are sought out that weaken the energy field. These will usually be subconscious energy conflicts, chronic inflammation foci, stress from disruptive nocturnal geo-radiation and similar hidden causes.

Therapeutic Method


In Psychosomatic Energetics, the emphasis is on the elimination of energy blocks. Empirically, these are primarily subconscious emotional conflicts which are treated with pretested homeopathic compound remedies, each of which corresponds to a particular currently active conflict. In most cases, only a single active conflict is found. The duration of therapy depends on the size of the conflict; the average conflict requires 3-4 months of treatment, during which time it is gradually dissolved energetically. In this process, the patient takes specific homeopathic compound remedies. Normally, the conflict contents are discussed after testing by means of a brief psychotherapeutic session—which, however, is not a precondition for a successful course of therapy: the method also functions ―wordlessly‖. Many therapists additionally make use of positive-thinking statements (developed by Dr. Ulrike Banis) which the patient is to recall and think about during the day in order to strengthen the treatment through autosuggestion.



It is very important that patients come to this type of therapy with a positive (or at least neutral) attitude, and be prepared to follow the therapist's instructions. Taking the medication consistently on a regular basis over several months is particularly important. Most conventional medications are not contraindicated and can continue to be taken. Moreover, PSE is compatible with nearly all other therapeutic procedures, which means that quick-acting methods such as energy psychology, psychokinesiology, hypnosis etc. can often be applied in parallel, as the effect of the PSE treatment works more slowly but more lastingly.


Therapists should have treated and eliminated their own energy blocks. The testing site should be energetically neutral. Strangers in the room can have a disruptive effect on testing. Testing should be performed in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. Testers should clear their minds of preconceptions. Good test results depend upon a certain degree of talent in addition to specialized training.

Duration of Therapy

A single session generally lasts for 40–60 minutes, with the testing itself taking from 15-20 minutes. Satisfactory therapeutic results generally call for 3–4 sessions at 3–4 month intervals.

Costs and Assumption of Costs

As a rule, the costs run (depending on whether the therapist is naturopath or physician) between €80 to €150. The medications are roughly in the same price range. A complete course of therapy will amount to €300–€600 on average.

Are the costs covered by health insurance?

Some private health insurance plans cover a part of the costs.


Emotional conflicts can be uncovered without having to resort to psychotherapy or other forms of mental exploration. The method also functions in a ―word-free‖ context, e.g. with people who reject psychotherapy, those who have trouble getting in touch with their subconscious, children and animals. Once eliminated, conflicts tend not to return, and the therapeutic results seem to be quite stable and long-lasting (for post-treatment checkup intervals of up to 15 years so far).

Disadvantages and Possible Side Effects

The method requires the use of alternative-medicine techniques that are not accepted by all patients. Testing is somewhat susceptible to interference and necessitates a great deal of careful attention. Treatment often lasts 1–2 years before satisfactory to good results are attained.

Side Effects

Patients frequently report vivid dreams at night. In the initial phases of treatment, specific symptoms might increase over the short-term.

Training Options and Qualifications

Training is carried out under the direction of the Internationale Gesellschaft für Psychosomatische Energetik [International Society for Psychosomatic Energetics] ( The training is usually extra-occupational with weekend seminars (basic and advanced). A specific number of testing sessions (under supervision) as well as self-therapy are strictly prescribed. During training, follow-up learning sessions can take place in small training groups. The completion of training to become a Certified Energy Therapist consists of an intensive four-day seminar culminating in a written and oral examination. Granting of the certification assumes regular continuing education (attending the yearly expert meetings). Costs for the training seminars run to about €1000 [currently about $1400].


Medical or psychological certification (physician, dentist, naturopath, naturopathic physician, psychologist) is a prerequisite for the training sessions.

Bibliography: Banis, Reimar: New Life Through Energy Healing. Gateways Books & Tapes 2009. Banis, Reimar: Psychosomatic Energetics - a manual for therapists. Chrystyne Jackson Enterprises, Prescott/ Arizona 2005.

Banis, Reimar: Multicenterstudie zur Psychosomatischen Energetik (Multicenter Study about Psychosomatic Energetics), Swiss Journal of Integrative Medicine 2010;22:269–272.

Author: Dr. Reimar Banis MD ND

Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin – Naturheilverfahren Zum Scheidberg 9 D 66798 Wallerfangen GERMANY
